What are we doing?

When you are driving downtown, or on top of the hill one thing you notice is there is a lot going on in our “Shinning city on the hill.” (thank you David Ross). We have come a long way since the 80’s and 90’s, when most of the time you would turn on the news and hear about some old business leaving or whatnot. That is not the Duluth we have today, but we all knew that. The fact that there is over a Billion dollars worth of improvements/construction going on in our city clearly proves that fact.

That still doesn’t answer the main question: “What are we doing with a site called We Are Duluth?” Well, that’s an excellent question. To which I have too many ideas, and/or answers. Therefore the plan is to be an evolving place for Duluthians to visit and celebrate everything that our great city has to offer. (How’s that for being vague!) So far, what I foresee is a bit of everything, food, drink, play, and clubs/groups (which will be a place to showcase our great social clubs/groups such as COGGS, Rotary(s), Junior League etc.) And yes, there will be photography. (So also check us out on Instagram)

Only time will tell what this site and city will evolve into, either way we are going to have a lot of fun! Because, (to quote our new Mayor Emily Larson), “We across this city. We are hope. We are progress. We are resilience. And We Are Duluth.”