About Us

Alrighty, here we go.

We are simply a couple that loves Duluth. We may not have grown up here, but both are from northern MN.

He grew up nearby and spent most of his childhood coming to Duluth and, despite sports rivalries that basically required a dislike of Duluth, he always wanted to live here. After college here and business there, he did eventually made his way to Duluth and is here to stay, where he can finally cheer for a winning team!

She grew up on the Range and also spent her childhood visiting Duluth for Bonspeils, shopping, Sunday day trips with her family to the “big city”, school field trips and events, basically any excuse to visit. It was eventually school that was the seed that planted her here permanently. Thankfully too!

The two of us came together because of coffee, and the rest is history. It’s a pretty fun story to tell so if you ever get the chance to ask us our origin story, you should. Preferably over a good cup of coffee or an adult beverage (we’ll take a Bent Hop please!). There is a short version but it’s not as fun to tell.

There were a few times that we thought about moving. Once to Denver and once to DC – both for work, once to the Cities, because, you know, that’s what people in their early 20s do “to get a good job.” Thankfully good jobs and family always kept us here!

We couldn’t see ourselves living anywhere else! It’s taken a little while, but we now can call ourselves Duluthians. Because we are Duluth.