Get Ready to Park Duluth!

You have seen the new signs downtown. You’ve wondered what it’s all about. Then, you forget your quarters and now you have to figure out this new “pay for parking with your phone!”

Let us be the first to tell you. . . This is awesome! We used to have a saying, “a quarter will save you $20.” Since the parking enforcement is always on top of their game, a few minutes late earns you a ticket. Well (hopefully) not anymore!

Just yesterday we had forgotten our quarters so we were finally forced to figure out this app. We are so glad that we did! The app is super easy to use and only took a few seconds to download (we should have timed it, but by the time the idea came up it was already completed). And the coolest part? The app will give you a timer so you know when your meter is up! No more, “Hey Siri! Set a timer for an hour twenty.”

Let’s walk you through how easy this is! First you will have to download the app, it’s super easy to find, just search “Park Duluth.”

It only took maybe 20 second to download. Which is nice when you have a meeting to get to!

Once you open it up you will have to create your account, which is basically just putting in your cell number. Super easy. Then we opted for “text me my code” and as soon as we hit send we got the text.

Then it’s as simple as putting in the zone. Which you find on the meter.

And then the space. Which, again, is right on the meter.

Once those are entered, you have to choose how long you would like to stay. Just like quarters, you can choose in 20 minute increments, or skip to the $1.20 max.

Then all you have to do is put in your card information, and you are just about done.
Yeah… That part we’re not willing to share 😉

Still with us here? Good. Because personally we think this is the best part! Once you have paid, it gives you not only the ability to email a receipt (not the best part), but it will give you a timer! So you know exactly how munch time you have left on your meter!

If you go back and look at the screen shots that we took, you will notice this only took us 3-4 minutes to complete. It is literally that simple. Of course, now that you have been walked through it quickly, we would be willing to bet that it won’t take you that long. We did all this through our iPhone, if anyone has completed this on an Android let us know how the usability is.

It’s the simple things in life that make us excited, and one of those things is not always having to have a pocket full of quarters, or simply having the convenience of paying for a parking meter with your phone.

What are we doing?

When you are driving downtown, or on top of the hill one thing you notice is there is a lot going on in our “Shinning city on the hill.” (thank you David Ross). We have come a long way since the 80’s and 90’s, when most of the time you would turn on the news and hear about some old business leaving or whatnot. That is not the Duluth we have today, but we all knew that. The fact that there is over a Billion dollars worth of improvements/construction going on in our city clearly proves that fact.

That still doesn’t answer the main question: “What are we doing with a site called We Are Duluth?” Well, that’s an excellent question. To which I have too many ideas, and/or answers. Therefore the plan is to be an evolving place for Duluthians to visit and celebrate everything that our great city has to offer. (How’s that for being vague!) So far, what I foresee is a bit of everything, food, drink, play, and clubs/groups (which will be a place to showcase our great social clubs/groups such as COGGS, Rotary(s), Junior League etc.) And yes, there will be photography. (So also check us out on Instagram)

Only time will tell what this site and city will evolve into, either way we are going to have a lot of fun! Because, (to quote our new Mayor Emily Larson), “We across this city. We are hope. We are progress. We are resilience. And We Are Duluth.”