We’re 50-50 on Tavern!

We have to warn you about this one; it will likely make you hungry. Seriously, I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

Whoever dreamed up the 50-50 burger over at Tavern On The Hill should be given their own holiday! I can still remember the first time that I had one: my wife and I were sitting at the bar enjoying some Fulton and Bent Paddle, and the bartender, after handing us some menus, made a comment about the burger. I, being a huge burger fan, needed to know more about this “50-50” burger. What exactly is it? Well, it’s made with 50% beef, and 50% Bacon. Yes, ground bacon and ground beef all mashed into the most mouth watering bacon patty ever created. It is truly bacon goodness squeezed into every juicy bite.

Ever since I had that first bite, I have not stopped talking about this burger. I’m fairly certain the first words out of my mouth after “Wow” was “I think this is one of the best burgers I’ve had since… well, I’m not sure how long.” The icing on the cake is that the burger comes with fries which are served tossed with just the perfect amount of herbs.

On the other hand, if you are not a burger or bacon person (but who doesn’t love bacon!?) they have this amazing Pulled Pork BBQ sandwich. Or if you are not a fan of pork, oh man, their pizzas, ‘fo-get-about-it!’ Can’t forget about their tacos either! I try to branch out and go for variety when I eat out and everything that I have tried here, I would order again (yes, even the undoubtedly strange Velvet Elvis!).

Massive added bonus? For those with Celiac or gluten intolerance, they have a GF bun that is very soft and delicious. This, for many GF items out there, is incredibly hard to come by.

So run up the hill for a 50-50 burger or one of their many, many other delicious options! Or, take a look at their menu and order take out. Shoot! I haven’t even talked about their beer taps yet! Looks like I will have to save that for another day! Darn, back to the Tavern!

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