A Beer to “Crush” All Other Summer Beers!

Thankfully on the way home from work Friday I stopped in at the local “Tavern.” This was a special Friday apparently since there was a rep from Castle Danger roaming around. Now I am no stranger to a local craft beer, but normally I try to keep my crafts within the city limits. Thankfully Rich came around giving me a sample of the Castle Danger’s Summer Crush!

I have a new favorite summer brew! I was hesitant in trying this brew in the past since I’m not a bit fan of fruity beers. This is not a beer made with fruit. It is made with the same 4 ingredients as (normally) all other beers. Water, barley, hops and yeast. The kicker is the hops were picked to resemble lemon and the barley (or malt) was chosen to simulate tartness. This giving it just the hint of a lemon flavor.

This 4.0 ABV beer is one that you can have a few of on a hot summer day. (Or many if that’s your choice! It would be easy to do!)

To me this is the perfect summer beer. Crisp, refreshing and delicious! One you can have multiples of and none of the gut rot from all the sweetness!

Cheers to you Castle Danger! And Thank You!

New Hotel on Park Point

The Fairfield Inn & Suites just opened their Duluth Waterfront location. The three story hotel is just past the lift bridge and has a little over 80 rooms. The third floor rooms are all suites with beautiful vistas overlooking Duluth.

Most importantly for us Duluthians is the addition of a small convenience store. This store is not just for guests. With the Bayside store now gone, the local franchise owner knew that we were missing something. Now, this will not be a replacement for your trips to Super One or Mt. Royal Fine Foods, but if you are short on a cup of milk you can go down the street instead of across the bridge. The owners also own the adjacent marina and rv park so, while the back side of the hotel features a laundry for guests, there is also a separate laundry for marina and RV’ers. The laundry room also has a shower in the bathroom which (I’m sure) is way bigger than the shower you have on your boat! Don’t worry hotel goers, the pool and fitness area for hotel guests only.

With windows facing the Lift Bridge, hillside, and neighboring marina, the views from these rooms are amazing. We may be needing a staycation pretty soon. . . Well maybe after the summer rates change! 😉

Lake Walk Galley Opens

Crabby Bill’s got a little bit of an overhaul and is now “billed” as the Lakewalk Galley. Today was the christening for the ol’vessel that resides at the beginning of the Lakewalk. The Lakewalk Galley opened in true shipping style with the Mayor breaking a bottle of champagne over the bow.

Justin Steinbach, who is no stranger to great food on a boat (the Vista), together with Derek Snyder of the Lake Avenue Café, have created a great mini restaurant. A lot of the fare will be the same as Crabby Bill’s (mini doughnuts!!!). That said, there are going to be some great additions to the menu; if it’s anything like Lake Ave, I’m sure it won’t disappoint (fish sandwich!!!). You won’t want to feed the birds with this – and besides, that’s illegal, please don’t feed the birds! This will be a great escape for a Friday lunch! The perfect distance from downtown to enjoy a good walk and a great lunch. See you there!

Our Lakewalk Friend

We were out for a quick Grandmas Marathon training run the other day and came across a (not so little) friend near the Lakewalk. We were just east of the 32nd Ave East and Tischer Creek when a fellow Duluthian flagged us down. “Hey, just so you know. There’s a bear about 100 yards up the path.” Well this is going to be interesting.

Thankfully, at this time, he was off the path quite a ways. He still looked pretty lethargic and was laying down basking in the sunshine (just like the rest of Duluth!). We watched him for a few seconds, snapped this bad picture, and went on our way.

On the way back he was still laying in the same spot, still soaking up the rays. We have heard of this bear around but have never seen him. From the sounds of it, he’s a regular in the Congdon neighborhood. Not sure if this is the famous Bert that was cooling in a kiddie pool a few years ago but it appears that they warm weather has woken up our furry woodland friends, so be sure to keep your furry family members on leash. The last thing you want is a run-in with Bert!

Get Ready to Park Duluth!

You have seen the new signs downtown. You’ve wondered what it’s all about. Then, you forget your quarters and now you have to figure out this new “pay for parking with your phone!”

Let us be the first to tell you. . . This is awesome! We used to have a saying, “a quarter will save you $20.” Since the parking enforcement is always on top of their game, a few minutes late earns you a ticket. Well (hopefully) not anymore!

Just yesterday we had forgotten our quarters so we were finally forced to figure out this app. We are so glad that we did! The app is super easy to use and only took a few seconds to download (we should have timed it, but by the time the idea came up it was already completed). And the coolest part? The app will give you a timer so you know when your meter is up! No more, “Hey Siri! Set a timer for an hour twenty.”

Let’s walk you through how easy this is! First you will have to download the app, it’s super easy to find, just search “Park Duluth.”

It only took maybe 20 second to download. Which is nice when you have a meeting to get to!

Once you open it up you will have to create your account, which is basically just putting in your cell number. Super easy. Then we opted for “text me my code” and as soon as we hit send we got the text.

Then it’s as simple as putting in the zone. Which you find on the meter.

And then the space. Which, again, is right on the meter.

Once those are entered, you have to choose how long you would like to stay. Just like quarters, you can choose in 20 minute increments, or skip to the $1.20 max.

Then all you have to do is put in your card information, and you are just about done.
Yeah… That part we’re not willing to share 😉

Still with us here? Good. Because personally we think this is the best part! Once you have paid, it gives you not only the ability to email a receipt (not the best part), but it will give you a timer! So you know exactly how munch time you have left on your meter!

If you go back and look at the screen shots that we took, you will notice this only took us 3-4 minutes to complete. It is literally that simple. Of course, now that you have been walked through it quickly, we would be willing to bet that it won’t take you that long. We did all this through our iPhone, if anyone has completed this on an Android let us know how the usability is.

It’s the simple things in life that make us excited, and one of those things is not always having to have a pocket full of quarters, or simply having the convenience of paying for a parking meter with your phone.

Cold Front Hits Canal Park

Cold Front Hits Canal Park

There's a lot going on this weekend in Duluth. Thursday marked the start of Cold Front Duluth. There was Duluth's largest coffee break Thursday morning which had everything you'd expect for a Duluth outdoor coffee break in February. Coffee from my favorite Duluth Coffee Co, doughnuts from The Greenery, and few fire pits to help fight that actually cold front that moved in with -3. Which, with the wind felt more like -10.

Major Larson was there to kick the festivities off with a proclamation. Proclaiming that "February 2018 is cold front February month in the City of Duluth."

After we all went back to work Grandma's Sports Garden had a great Happy Hour starting at 4pm.

Friday the fun starts back up at 4pm in the parking lot between The Inn on Lake Superior and the Comfort Suites. If you have been dying to try out a fat tire bike, this is your weekend. Since there will be Demos thanks to Day Tripper. There's going to a DJ spinning for us for some tunes. We may have to dance a bit to stay warm. Or there is (for those who are old enough to partake) the Grandma's Beer Tent! Which is also heated by the way!

Above is what this lot normally looks like, and you probably have driven by it a bunch of times and not noticed it. This weekend, you will notice! There's also going to be a curling sheet, and a "luge chute" for those who would like to slide. My favorite has to be the ice skate track along the Lakewalk! I haven't ice skated in years, but I really want to do this. And don't worry if you don't fit into your old pair, the City's Park Department will have a bunch of extra skates for you to use if you'd like.

Saturday has a full list of events as well. For the full list of events check out their web site Cold Front Duluth Events

So if you are finally done with that show you've been binge watching, head down to Canal Park. Toss a rock, ride a fat bike, have some s'mores and hang out the Duluth way! It's going to be a blast!

It’s been a good season

It's Been a Good Season

Hey Duluthians!

It's been a while since we've posted about anything. Since our last one, it's been a good season! Whether it's been the shipping season, or holiday season. It's always a good one here in Duluth.

Over the last year we have seen an increase in shipping traffic. More of our trails are getting finished. Some great businesses came to town, a few of left. We have started on changing the steam plant to a closed circuit, which would help it be more sustainable and energy efficient. There have been so many things that are happening in Duluth. Too many to name all.

Over 2017 what was something that stuck out to you? We'd like to hear about it.

In the mean time, enjoy this quick video I shot of one of the last Lakers making it's way to port. Until next time, Cheers Duluth!

We’re 50-50 on Tavern!

We have to warn you about this one; it will likely make you hungry. Seriously, I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

Whoever dreamed up the 50-50 burger over at Tavern On The Hill should be given their own holiday! I can still remember the first time that I had one: my wife and I were sitting at the bar enjoying some Fulton and Bent Paddle, and the bartender, after handing us some menus, made a comment about the burger. I, being a huge burger fan, needed to know more about this “50-50” burger. What exactly is it? Well, it’s made with 50% beef, and 50% Bacon. Yes, ground bacon and ground beef all mashed into the most mouth watering bacon patty ever created. It is truly bacon goodness squeezed into every juicy bite.

Ever since I had that first bite, I have not stopped talking about this burger. I’m fairly certain the first words out of my mouth after “Wow” was “I think this is one of the best burgers I’ve had since… well, I’m not sure how long.” The icing on the cake is that the burger comes with fries which are served tossed with just the perfect amount of herbs.

On the other hand, if you are not a burger or bacon person (but who doesn’t love bacon!?) they have this amazing Pulled Pork BBQ sandwich. Or if you are not a fan of pork, oh man, their pizzas, ‘fo-get-about-it!’ Can’t forget about their tacos either! I try to branch out and go for variety when I eat out and everything that I have tried here, I would order again (yes, even the undoubtedly strange Velvet Elvis!).

Massive added bonus? For those with Celiac or gluten intolerance, they have a GF bun that is very soft and delicious. This, for many GF items out there, is incredibly hard to come by.

So run up the hill for a 50-50 burger or one of their many, many other delicious options! Or, take a look at their menu and order take out. Shoot! I haven’t even talked about their beer taps yet! Looks like I will have to save that for another day! Darn, back to the Tavern!

Crashed Ice Hits the Hills at Mont du Lac

Only Red Bull would look at a perfectly good ski hill and think "Hey what if we went down a Snowboard Cross run on hockey skates?!" Well that is exactly what Crashed Ice is, and it has taken over one of the runs for the past two weeks at Mont du lac. Crews have been working hard to build this really gnarly course, and from the sounds of it, they have build quite a smooth one. The unfortunately for the skaters, the sun was out in full force Wednesday which did a number on the course. There was supposed to be a hill about mid way down that they had to cut out of the run due to softness. Also, with the next few days forecast, they have needed to change up some of the scheduling. For instance, time trails were supposed to start on Thursday but were bumped up to Weds night. There is still be some trails on Thursday, but those will be early in the morning. Before the sun gets up early. Yes, 5:30am early.

Even with all the rescheduling and part of the course being cut, the skaters seemed all really pumped. Some coming as far as Alaska to try this out. The field look to have a good mix of experience. Some were clearly fast, and had sponsors. Others looked to be trying it out for the first time, and after talking to a few of them, they have the bug. Where else can you lace up skates and get some serious air. Well, maybe a few other places in the world, but not that many. To me, it seems this strange sport is really just getting started, and who knows where it will end up... Olympics maybe?

Until then get your tickets here for the finals, head out to Mont du Lac on Saturday, watch an amazing sport, and stay for an awesome concert. (Its free to watch during the day, but to stay for the finals you need to have tickets, which also get you into the Brother Ali concert.)

If you want to know more about this sport check out these sites:

Red Bull Crashed Ice

ATSX Ice Cross Downhill

Hockey Day Minnesota in Duluth

What a blast! I heard one of the commentators on  KFAN say, "You could not have scripted a better, more scenic venue as Bayfront." I completely agree. The weather was great, the games were good (minus East's loss to Lakeville North) and the fans were great. Unfortunately for the ice, the sun came out for a little while. Just enough to make things sloppy and slushy. You could tell that the ice conditions were affecting the game play. By the end of the East game there were visible holes in the ice.

A big thanks to all the volunteers who made this day a huge success!